Greetings! I am Rong Jin, an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Cal State Fullerton. My research interests include:

  • Multimedia Systems (multimodal interactions, immersion, 3D collaboration, QoE assessment)
  • Interactive Simulation (educational training simulators, medical training simulators, data-driven simulation)
  • Data-driven Computation (social network analysis, mathematical modeling, optimization, machine learning, deep learning)
  • Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision Applications

I received my Ph.D. and M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Dallas, where I was NSF funded research assistant in the Data Communication and Data Management (DCDM) Laboratory led by Prof. Weili Wu and Prof. Ding-Zhu Du. Before that, I was a NSF funded research assistant working on the creation of tele-immersive multi-modal collaborative virtual learning environments for learning science subjects in the Multimedia Systems Laboratory led by Prof. Balakrishnan Prabhakaran, and I also worked on two other NSF Funded projects: 1. Scaffolded Training Environment for Physics Problem-solving (STEPP), 2. Virtual Interaction with Gravitational waves to Observe Relativity (VIGOR) in the Creative Automata Lab led by Prof. Paul Fishwick. Further before, I received my B.Eng. in Communication Engineering from Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, China.